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Which class is my preschool aged child best suited to?

As a general guide, children aged up to 2.5 years attend the Starlettes program, 2.5-3.5 years attend the Tiny Stars Program, and children aged 3.5-5.5 years who can work independently of their parent/carer attend the Junior Stars – Shooting Stars, Shining Stars, Rising Stars and Super Stars.

Which class is my school aged child suited to?

Children attend the Development Gymnastics Program to begin with depending on their age. Children progress at their own rate and will move up through the program when their coach says they are ready. If your child has had previous experience, we recommend advising reception when you call so an assessment can be arranged to ensure your child is booked into a suitable class for their skill level.

What should I expect at my child’s first lesson?

Head to the front reception to check in, the staff will direct you to where your child needs to put their shoes and drink bottle and where they wait for their class to commence. The class coach will introduce themselves and call the children into the gym. Coaches are available 5 minutes before and after each class for a brief chat however if you have further questions please contact reception during office hours.

How do I get to Edge and where can I park my car?

Edge is located on Warrigal Road however it is easier to enter from Freighter Road, which is off Keys Road. Edge has car parking on site and there is plenty of street parking on Freighter Road and Simpson Street. Anyone under the age of 12 children must be accompanied to the door and collected from inside the foyer to ensure member safety. We have a printed walkway to provide a safe walkway from our car park to the door so please assist your child to use this walkway.

Can I view my child’s class?

Junior & Development Gymnastics:
Weekly viewing is permitted for parents/ guardians. We ask that you make yourself known to the administration staff or coaches and introduce any visitors to the staff on arrival before moving upstairs.

Competitive Classes:
Viewing is recommended in Week 5 and 6 of each term. When viewing, we ask that you make yourself known to the administration staff or coaches and introduce any visitors to the staff on arrival before moving upstairs. Parents are not to enter the gym area without permission from an Edge Staff member.

Does my child require a uniform?

Edge recommmends girls to wear a leotard or gymnastics crop top and shorts to every session. A well-fitted long sleeved T-shirt and leggings may be worn in the cooler months. Junior and Development gymnasts are welcome to wear shorts and t-shirt if well fitted and will not tip over their head. Boys are recommended to wear sports shorts and t-shirts which stretch to allow for movement. Children in inappropriate attire will be asked to change if the coach feels their attire is unsafe. NO under garments may be worn as outer attire. Edge merchandise can be purchased via the online uniform shop. NO jewellery may be worn.

What happens if my child is late to class?

Members must arrive at class prior to the completion of warm up to be able to participate. It can be a safety issue if children have not warmed up correctly prior to participating in circuits and activities. Members who arrive after warm up has finished and are unable to warm up themselves will be able to be a helper but not able to participate in activities.

What is the Policy and how does it affect my child’s class?

Extreme Weather Policy
In line with Sports Medicine Australia’s guidelines, and to ensure the safety of all Edge members, Edge Gymnastics may enforce the Extreme Weather Policy from time to time. Edge Management will monitor the BOM forecast and current conditions and will notify families via text message, email and the Edge Social Media pages (Facebook & Instagram) minimum 1 hour prior to classes commencing.

Extreme Heat
All sessions which commence at or before 3:00pm will run as scheduled however classes which commence after 3:00pm will be cancelled if Edge Management deem the current temperature to be extreme and unsafe for members, families and staff for classes to proceed. Class cancellations will be displayed on the website and Edge Facebook page by 3:05pm.

Extreme Weather

Classes may be cancelled if extreme storms are forecast to ensure the safety of members, families and staff while traveling to and from Edge or while at Edge.
All JG & DG cancelled classes will be allocated 1 make up class during term holidays if classes are cancelled. These make up classes will run on the same day/time as your regular class and credits will not be given if you are unable to attend. Classes where multi Extreme Weather Policies are in place will be provided a maximum of 2 make up classes within the first week of School Holidays and
no credits will be given if you are unable to attend.

Do classes run on Public Holidays or Long weekends?

Classes do not operate on Victorian Public Holidays. Fees are calculated based on planned classes. When the gym is closed due to a Public Holiday or Centre event, a charge will not be incurred. All classes run as scheduled over long weekends except the Public Holiday day.

What happens if we miss a class?

It is normal that from time to time Edge Members will be unable to attend their scheduled class due to family or school commitments or illness, and as such Edge members are entitled to makeup tokens if advanced warning of non-attendance is received by the office or logged on the customer portal. Make-up classes must be completed through the parent portal and a suitable class and time will be made available for your child to attend. Make up tokens expire after 60 days.

Can a private lesson be organised for my child?

Private lessons are available to all Edge Members upon request through the Office. Private lessons can be booked with a specific Coach or a suitable Coach can be recommended. Payment is required in advance and paid directly to the office. Group sessions and packages are available as listed below.

When are the Holiday Programs?

Holiday programs run every Term during the first and or second week of school holidays. The program is available to all members and non-members who are 5years-12years of age. Games, circuits and free time are included in the programs. Junior Gymnastics free play sessions will be scheduled throughout school holidays and booking through the office are required.

Will my child’s photo be taken from time to time?

Parents and Guardians are advised that from time to time photos or videos may capture their child’s image during training, regular or special events. Membership at Edge serves as acknowledgement to use any images captured by Edge Gymnastics for the purposes of promotional material, media or other purposes without further permission being necessary. If you do NOT want your child’s image to be used in any promotional material, you must advise Edge Gymnastics in writing prior to the commencement of their first class.

Edge advises that parents are to gain permission prior to videoing or take photo’s during events or class time. Edge requests that photos or videos should only capture their own children.

Can I withdraw my child part way through a term?


Fourteen Day Money Back Guarantee

New members only: may request a refund in writing for ANY REASON in the first fourteen days of membership. You will be refunded the full amount paid including the registration fee and any membership fees. A new Member is a member who has not previously participated in paid Edge term programs. A Refund Application Form must be completed and handed to the office no later than 14 days from the start of membership. Approved refunds will be via direct debit and will be deposited into a nominated bank account. Upon cancellation of membership your card details will
be removed from our system. Advice of decision not to continue can be emailed to Member Services

Current member

Should you no longer be able to continue with your class simply let Member Services know and we will be able to communicate what date you have paid up until. We will not issue refunds for payments already received but you are welcome to attend through this notice period. Upon cancellation your card details will be removed from our system. Advice of decision not to continue can be emailed to


Injury/Illness Related Credit Application – Available to all Members

Credit applications will be granted for periods of two consecutive weeks (or more) of injury or illness if a Doctor’s certificate is provided to Edge, within one week of the ‘start’ date indicated on the certificate. Certificate needs to state ‘date to date’ of expected absence and how this injury/illness directly affects the member’s ability to participate. Under no circumstances will suspensions be backdated.

What does Edge Membership cover and how long does it last?

Edge is an affiliated Gymnastics Centre with Gymnastics Victoria. To participate in gymnastics term-based program at Edge members are required to pay the yearly Edge Membership which covers members with athlete insurance and membership at Edge. The membership and insurance fee is valid for a calendar year (1st January – 31st December). Should a member join in Terms 2, 3 and 4 this fee will be prorated. If your child is a current member of another affiliated Centre/Club the membership can be transferred and only the Edge membership portion will be charged (please see the office for relevant program charge)


